All care packages can be ordered through Access SecurePak for sending gift packages to your family or friends in the Bexar County Adult Detention Center. Fax: (210) 924-4104. Mail:This letter authorizes the State Comptroller to process state warrants made payable to (Payee) representing payment for. Learn more about Bank of America wire transfers, including how to send and receive money, SWIFT codes, IBAN numbers, fees, and more. Residents will need the account number found at the bottom of the rent statement, along with a bank routing and account number. The authorization form should be returned to the Texas Child Support Disbursement Unit (TXCSDU), P.O. Box. The deed must be recorded before the property holder's death. Transfer on death deeds are recorded in the county where the property is located. If you need to start service and are not a CPS Energy customer, please request a letter of reference. Offers of admission are valid only for the term indicated in the admittance letter.