The Unclaimed Property Program returns money, stocks, bonds, dividends, utility deposits, insurance proceeds, tangible property and more to Virginia residents. It's just an extra step we're taking to verify the returns we process and make sure refunds go to the right person.Introduction. Procedures outlined in this Quick Reference Document (QRD), assists lenders with guaranteeing cash-out refinance loans in WebLGY. This manual is intended to assist persons who are involved in the administration of a decedent's estate in Virginia. Claim your prize in the Virginia Lottery app. Lenders may ask for a cashout refinance letter of explanation. Here's why — and how to write a letter that will help you get approved. The US Postal Service does not advise against sending cash in the mail. But they do advise using a traceable check, or insuring the cash that you send. Letters, large or thick envelopes, tubes, and packages containing mailable items can be sent using Priority Mail Express.