Fill in the name of the payee. Fill in the recipient and your address; for bills, include an account number; sign it; keep proof of payment.When filling out a money order, you'll need some basic information, such as the recipient's name and your address. 1. Fill in the payee's name. Put the payee's name on the line labeled "Pay to the order of" or "Pay to. Fill out your money order using a black or blue pen and print clearly. Because money orders are prepaid, you'll need to pay for yours upfront. Nothing - because a Postal Money Order can only be purchased with cash, debit card or traveler's check. Know how and who you'll pay: Be prepared with cash or a debit card, the name of the payee and the amount you want to send. First, decide how much money you want to send and where the funds will come from (cash, debit or credit card).