Divide the dough into 3 portions; roll out one at a time and cut each portion into 4inch circles. Add filling and fold over as turnovers.DeclensionBeilage is a feminine noun. Enchiladas can be filled with a variety of ingredients, including meat, chicken, cheese, beans, potatoes, vegetables, seafood or combinations. A large selection of authentic German, Austrian and Continental food in a romantic setting in Ben Lomond in the Santa Cruz coastal red wood forest. Sticky rice, gummy, gluey rice, bland, wet or crunchy rice, one of these might be the outcome if you don't stick to the recipe! Souvenir ideas for California from over 50 of my friends. Things to eat, drink, collect, use and wear. Eine Beilage, die beim kroatischen Essen einfach nicht fehlen darf, ist Djuveč-Reis. Three of them live with us.