There are multiple ways to submit public comment, but each has a specific application process and limited window of time for those applications. In addition to specifying the date, time and location of the meeting, special meeting notices should make note of all agenda items.Board Meetings (Board of Directors or Board of Managers). Frequency: At least four times per year. The agenda is a written outline of the meeting procedures as well as the business items to be discussed. Public notice of a rescheduled regular meeting must be given at least 48 hours beforehand, and the notice must include the agenda for the meeting. For example, for a seven- member board with a quorum of four, a majority of the quorum would be three. Once the meeting is arranged, the board members need to figure out who should attend. Each Board Member must complete training on the Open Meetings Act no later than ninety (90) days after taking the Oath of Office. The 11-member Metra Board of Directors, made up of members representing the six-county Chicago metropolitan area, meets once a month to discuss various matters.