Boards may call for a special meeting when something important comes up that the board must deal with before the next regular meeting. Enjoy our free minutes template for your corporation's special board of directors meetings.Like all our forms, this template is intended for individual use. The purpose of the special meeting must be set forth in the petition in order to indicate the basis for the requested special meeting. Facts: Bylaws require at least five days notice of a special meeting of the executive board, The president can call special meetings. Every association must hold annual meetings (sometimes known as annual general meetings, or AGMs) and, when necessary, special meetings to address issues. Special meetings are called for a specific reason and can only address items included in the meeting notice, usually outside the scope of general business. Florida law allows members to record board meetings. The only thing on the agenda needs is the board of directors' election at the annual meeting. Board members shall at all times observe and comply with the provisions of.