Special meetings are announced via a special public notice, which can be found in the meetings and agenda section. Items on the agenda are open for citizen input.Please fill out a card and present it to the City Clerk before the meeting begins. The Special Order for a Meeting. Listing in the agenda the specific matters to be summarized, provided that the summary is listed on the agenda and that the public body does not propose,. Upon the written request often (10) Members, the President shall call a Special General Membership Meeting to consider the subject specified in the request. A special work session may be called in the same manner and upon the same notice as otherwise set forth in this section for a special meeting of council. If the HUD CoC-program funded agency representative does not attend meetings in accordance with the policy described in the. The Special Order for a Meeting. Public body includes all quasi-judicial bodies and all standing, special or advisory committees or subcommittees of, or appointed by, the public body.