Notice of special meetings. The chairperson, vice chairperson, or a majority of the board members may call a special meeting when deemed necessary or desirable.Section 10 - Special meetings: Special meetings of the board shall be called upon the request of the chair, or one-third of the board. Enjoy our free minutes template for your corporation's special board of directors meetings. Like all our forms, this template is intended for individual use. Members have called a special meeting and we want to be able to set the agenda and run the meeting to conduct business at the meeting, will this be possible? A person or persons entitled to call a special meeting of the members may make a written request to the Secretary to call the meeting. A special meeting requires at least seven days and no more than 30 days notice to the members. Regularly Scheduled Board Meetings. All regularly scheduled, special, and emergency board meetings will be held in-person in the PELSB board room and virtually.