In this episode about the conjunctive in German, we'll get a little overview over the topic, see why we call it conditional instead and learn all about würde. Learn how to use the Konjunktiv 2 conditional tense in German!From polite questions to unreal conditions, this blog post explains it all. The mood of a sentence can indicate a lot about the speaker's intention. What indicates a German mood is the form of the verb in a sentence. Conditional is that could, should, would-stuff that's officially called Konjunktiv II or Subjunctive, but we're using a different name because YOLO! "Als" is used for completed actions and hence in the past, whereas "wenn" is used for recurring events, irrespective of the tense. In most cases, the auxiliary verb "werden" is used to form the subjunctive II. "Werden" must be changed so that it shows the subjunctive II. Konjunktiv I: Primarily used for reporting indirect speech. Below you'll find a list of the grammar worksheets I've compiled over the last few years.