The PA Public School Code Section 423 permits special meetings of the Board to be scheduled from time to time. Any school director shall be permitted to enter discussion on any subject on the meeting agenda.As a member of the IEP team, you should familiarize yourself with each section of the IEP so you know the requirements for completing it. Although there may be special meetings called with a different format, most public board meetings will follow a standard format: Call to Order. The filled-out form must be submitted seven days before the scheduled voting meeting to the superintendent's secretary to be placed on the agenda. Hybrid Meeting Format. Hybrid Public Meeting Format. Remarks of a personal nature directed against any individual will be ruled out of order. The public's right to attend governmental agency meetings in Pennsylvania is based upon a state law called the "Sunshine Act." NOTE: All meetings start at PM and are held in the PHEAA Board Room. Grants.