Special meetings are announced via a special public notice, which can be found in the meetings and agenda section. The Special Meeting will be convened during the Formal Meeting on Wednesday, June.Special—Special meetings can be called as needed to conduct any business and can include any meeting that is scheduled after the board calendar is approved. Each city and town can design its own agenda format but in the absence of a local model we found this example to be thorough and user friendly. Listing in the agenda the specific matters to be summarized, provided that the summary is listed on the agenda and that the public body does not propose,. No special meetings currently scheduled. "Public body" means the legislature, all boards and commissions of this state or political subdivisions, all multimember governing bodies of. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Denis M. Fitzgibbons, President, Casa Grande; PresidentElect;. Under the Arizona Open Meeting Law, the Board may not discuss items not included in the published agenda. Calendar. Agenda. Document. 7.18.