Board of Education Meeting, June 8, 2023 - pm - pm, pm Closed Session, pm Open Session. At special meetings, the public may address the Board on items on the agenda only.During Special Board Meetings, the public may make public comments for items on the agenda in-person in the Board Room or virtually via the Zoom platform. With regard to a specific agenda item, you will be given an opportunity to speak for up to three (3) minutes when the Board discusses that item. Include meeting date and agenda item number or off-agenda item. Contact information is optional. Individuals wishing to speak before the Board are requested to fill out a speaker card, which will be available in the Board Room. Public comment on non-agenda items will be heard at the end of the Board meeting. Services to help with job training, education, employment accommodations, resume development, and job seeking skills coaching. Yet some common themes have emerged among the candidates on how to approach the job.