Please choose the appropriate form from the list below. For the formal hearing, you should be prepared to present, facts, testimony and evidence to support your case, in a quick and easy to follow format.Print and fill out the appropriate form. You may mail the form or bring it in person to the Justice Court. To later fill a vacancy in one of these offices, the Board elects a replacement at the first meeting after the vacancy occurs. To fill a vacancy in the position of chair or secretary, the Board elects a replacement at the first meeting after the vacancy occurs. 1. Registering. (show below). Replacing Tarrant's outgoing elections director, Heider Garcia, will be a daunting task for officials in the state's largest and most important swing county. Magaly was nominated, in part, for her dedication to quality in support of T3 students and staff. Speaker Regulations: Anyone wishing to speak for or against a Public Hearing item must fill out a card at the entrance to the Council Chamber.. 11.1.