Click on the Windows Start menu and choose settings. This works for both Windows and Mac computers.Here are some steps you can try to use macrons without the dictation option popping up. NOTE: this process is only applicable in Outlook application. A macron is a line above a vowel to indicate that it should be spoken as a long vowel: ā, ē, ī, ō, ū, Ā, Ē, Ī, Ō and Ū. It's easy to get macrons on your smartphone, just hold your finger on the vowel and the macron will show up as one of the accent options. I've often introduced myself in te reo but only when appropriate. To do any less breaks trust with our people and the American public. " Guillen, a small arms repairer in the 3rd. To learn more, check out our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.