The card vendor provides reporting information to the State of Maryland in a web- based format. Individual state agencies may view the database in real-time.Number and Date, Service Date, (GAD will fill in the Payment Number), complete the. The most reliable way to cancel a CPA is to simply replace your card all future authorizations will then decline. A complete break down of credit card surcharging laws in all 50 states. Register and request your absentee ballot with the Federal Post Card Application (FPCA). Our free online guide for business owners covers Maryland sales tax registration, collecting, filing, due dates, nexus obligations, and more. A vocational school dedicated to preparing students for successful careers as US Merchant Mariners. Alternatively, one quick way of stopping it is to simply replace your card in the app, as the merchant then won't have the correct details. Watch this short video to find out what to include in your complaint and what will happen after you submit. Close. .