To get a nondisclosure order, you must file your petition or application with the clerk of the court that handled your case. The judge must issue an order of nondisclosure only upon a finding that issuance of the order is in the best interest of justice.How do I file a Petition for Nondisclosure? After someone signs an NDA, you may think the issue is resolved. 411 North Frio Street San Antonio, TX 78207 Mailing Address: PO Box 830248 San Antonio, TX 78283 Customer Service: (210) 224-782832 Fax: (210) In general, Texas has very few official legal forms. Yes, nondisclosure agreements are enforceable in Texas. That being said, NDAs with a reasonable scope are more likely to hold up in court if challenged. An unknown number of city officials have signed nondisclosure agreements regarding a future Spurs arena that could be built at Hemisfair. Agreements under general terms set out in this Agreement.