The Department shall disclose personal information to the following persons or category of persons without the consent of the individual only. NDAs can prohibit employees from disclosing specific confidential information that the employees learn or have access to during their employment.Disclosure agreement needs to be written in a way that makes it enforceable. Record information about child abuse and neglect investigations may be shared with the following individuals without the consent of the subjects of the report. The agencies should not disclose clinical and treatment records without your consent. Protection from harm. A. The "No Disclosure without Consent" Rule. Nondisclosure agreements can allow businesses to disclose confidential information without the risk of losing ownership of that information. Consent may not be required, however, in situations involving suspected child or adult abuse or neglect, court orders or subpoena or danger to self or others. Recording Without Consent Is Not the Way to Gather Evidence of an Employment Claim; Find Experienced Legal Help.