Please note that if you did not successfully complete deferred adjudication, you are not entitled to file a petition for an order of nondisclosure. 3. A successfully completed deferred adjudication often can be sealed from public view with a non-disclosure.Forms to seal your record use to seal a BWI after completing deferred adjudication. Deferred adjudication probation is also more likely to qualify for a nondisclosure, which is an order sealing your records from the public. After the successful completion of deferred adjudication and dismissal of your case, you may be eligible for a NON-DISCLOSURE. Non-disclosure Houston Attorney Collin Evans can help if you are struggling to get on with your life after successfully completing deferred adjudication. Once sealed from your record, you are not required to disclose information related to an offense subject to a sealed record in job interviews, for example. 2. You are ineligible for an order of nondisclosure under Section 411.0735 if you are convicted of or placed on deferred adjudication community supervision for. There is a waiting period before you can file for non-disclosure of your completed deferred adjudication. 1. The Court deferred adjudication of my guilt and placed me on probation and my probation has since been terminated.