An NDA will prohibit the employee from disclosing certain confidential information the employee learned or had access to during the course of employment. If it is not necessary to disclose the SSN, it should not be disclosed.A. The "No Disclosure without Consent" Rule. To request an NDA from Legal Affairs, please kindly fill out the NDA Routing Form and email it to Ask Legal. The Client shall not without express written consent from Company, disclose any Confidential Information to parties outside of this Agreement. In addition, this agreement must be revised if the parties are not sharing confidential information on a fully mutual basis and the parties are instead entering. All employees of the Georgia Department of Education ("GaDOE") must annually sign a. Although most types of records are subject to ac- cess, certain specific information contained in the record may not be. The Receiving Party shall use the Disclosing Party's. A nondisclosure agreement helps protect your business and confidential information.