Use this free, secure tool to find out if you have eligible cases to seal from your criminal record and navigate the step-by-step process on your own. A nondisclosure order seals your criminal history so that unauthorized people and organizations cannot view it.Ask the court to seal your criminal record in Texas with a nondisclosure order. Expunction and nondisclosure order eligibility, court processes, and forms specifically for Harris County. An order of nondisclosure also legally frees you from disclosing information about your criminal history in response to questions on job applications. Sealing your criminal charges will mean you must fill out a petition of nondisclosure. Therefore, in the eyes of the law, you would no longer be considered a felon once the expungement is complete. Call our Houston NonDisclosure attorneys to find out if your case is eligible. Much like expunction, not everyone is eligible for nondisclosure in Harris County and beyond. The purpose of a non-disclosure agreement is twofold: confidentiality and protection.