This article provides general information about nondisclosure orders in Texas, including the different types. It lists the nondisclosure order statutes.As mentioned above, an order of nondisclosure directs entities holding information about a certain offense on your criminal record to not release that. Such disclosure shall not be made until the party seeking to disclose the document provides ten days written notice to the person or party claiming information. To request an NDA from Legal Affairs, please kindly fill out the NDA Routing Form and email it to Ask Legal. NDAs, or non-disclosure agreements, are legally enforceable contracts that create a confidential relationship between a person who has sensitive information. An NDA is a legal document that protects your business information and trade secrets from vendors, employees, and third parties. If the disclosure is in writing, it shall be marked "confidential". While this provision was codified in 1978 within the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978, Pub. People may not gather or linger in the polling place or within 100 feet of the building.