The Non-disclosure Motion must be filed at the City of Houston Municipal Courts, 1400 Lubbock St., Public Service Counter. This article provides general information about nondisclosure orders in Texas, including the different types.It lists the nondisclosure order statutes. The Non-disclosure Motion, with informational Cover Sheet, must be filed at the City of. Houston Municipal Courts, 1400 Lubbock, Front Public Service Counter. As mentioned above, an order of nondisclosure directs entities holding information about a certain offense on your criminal record to not release that. Filers Information: Name, email address and signature must be included on the document. A nondisclosure order means that government agencies may not inform unauthorized entities about your offense. If you have successfully completed deferred adjudication in Houston, you may be eligible for a petition for non-disclosure. Ask the court to seal your criminal record in Texas with a nondisclosure order.