What is an Order of Nondisclosure? 1 st time misdemeanor convictions are eligible for sealing under the new law but they are not eligible for automatic sealing.1. You were placed on deferred adjudication for a qualifying misdemeanor. 2. The court did not enter an affirmative finding that it is not in the best. Automatic Nondisclosure: This method applies to first-time misdemeanors occurring after Sept. In Texas, an Order of Nondisclosure is a court order that seals from the public all records related to a Texas criminal arrest and prosecution. There are two methods of non-disclosure in Texas: automatic non-disclosure for first-time misdemeanors; and; non-disclosure with petition. For many misdemeanors, you can file immediately after completing deferred adjudication. When are defendants eligible for automatic nondisclosure? If you think you are eligible for an Order of Non-Disclosure, the first step is usually to have an attorney review your criminal history.