In California today, NDAs still carry validity and soundness in court so long as they are executed precisely, legally, and firmly. California courts have long ruled that companies can use NDAs to protect certain financial, technical, and businessrelated information.While nondisclosure agreements are generally enforceable in California, their enforceability can be subject to certain limitations and considerations. Got questions about non-disclosure agreements and how they can affect you? Under NO CERCUMSTANCES can an NDA prevent you from disclosing a crime. The contract is not legal in that case and the NDA is dismissed. At EJP Law, P.C., we offer experienced NDA services in California. Contact our Los Angeles Non-Disclosure Agreements lawyers today for a consultation. The purpose of this article is to discuss confidentiality concerns relating to high-profile parties in mediation. When you're having an issue, a Los Angeles employment contracts attorney can help you navigate this legal issue.