6. Sixth, you must not have been convicted of (or placed on deferred adjudication for) any criminal offenses during a special time period. This article provides general information about nondisclosure orders in Texas, including the different types.It lists the nondisclosure order statutes. A successfully completed deferred adjudication often can be sealed from public view with a non-disclosure. You are ineligible for an order of nondisclosure under Section 411.0735 if you are convicted of or placed on deferred adjudication community supervision for. This guide helps you seal your criminal record in Texas. To learn the difference between clearing and sealing, see Expunctions vs. 1. The Court deferred adjudication of my guilt and placed me on probation and my probation has since been terminated. Complete this form to find out if you qualify to have your record sealed. He must successfully complete deferred and obtain an order of discharge and dismissal.