On April 11, 2023, the Michigan State Police will roll out a process to automatically expunge certain convictions without an application. This site is designed to help applicants navigate their way through the new laws, help them determine if they are eligible to have convictions expunged.If you think your conviction is eligible for automatic expungement, you can object. Some adult convictions will be automatically expunged without an application. There are different rules for the automatic expungement process. The automatic expungement process removes all these barriers for those with nonassaultive offenses. In 2021, a Michigan law went into effect that changed the criteria for eligibility to apply for an expungement or "set aside" of a criminal conviction. There is NO automatic entitlement to have a criminal case handled under a special provision of law to get a dismissal or criminal charge reduced. If you have one felony and one misdemeanor, the law requires that you have the hearing to expunge your felony conviction first. If you have two misdemeanors and two or more felonies, you cannot ask the court to erase your felony or misdemeanor convictions.