Members shall not disclose or otherwise utilize the above-referenced information for any purpose outside the scope of their service at the Community Foundation. Community members and prospective community members are encouraged to read this report for awareness of policies, procedures, crime information and resources.Various forms that may be required or may be used in more than one Probate and Family Court case type. The following list describes the ways Middlesex may use and disclose your medical information. Please review the Middlesex Savings Bank disclosure of terms and conditions of electronic fund transfers (EFT) services and cardholder agreement. Non-Disclosure Addendum - DC-621 - Instructions. This notice describes how medical information about you may be used or disclosed and how you can get access to this information. Nonpublic business information will be protected. In a corporate setting, an employee can be made to sign an NDA or NDA-liked agreement. Find instructions on how to file the financial statement long form in the courts.