The Office of Legal Affairs ("OLA") has approved the following OU Mutual NonDisclosure Agreement. A nondisclosure agreement is a voluntary agreement.All parties must voluntarily agree to sign the agreement without coercion or duress. An NDA typically prohibits employees from disclosing certain confidential information they learn or have access to during the course of their employment. California courts have long ruled that companies can use NDAs to protect certain financial, technical, and businessrelated information. An NDA in an employment agreement or agency agreement is judged the same as a non-competition agreement under the Wisconsin statute. Combined Contract Schedules for Construction and Professional Services Contracts. To use the latest web form version please click on this link. Final Payment WILL NOT be made until this form is properly filled out and submitted to the Port of Oakland. Employment eligibility of anyone to be hired, which includes completing the Employment Eligibility Verification Form (I-9).