A Florida nondisclosure agreement, also called Florida "NDA", is a contract between two parties that protects information from being shared with a third party. Here, our legal team highlights four important terms that should always be included within your nondisclosure agreement.A confidentiality and nondisclosure agreement is used to prevent information from being leaked to third parties or the public. NDAs, or non-disclosure agreements, are legally enforceable contracts that create a confidential relationship between a person who has sensitive information. Disclosure agreement (NDA) is a legal contract that outlines confidential materials, information and knowledge between two or more parties. Civil penalties for breaking the terms of the NDA can include monetary damages or an injunction to prevent further violations of the agreement. By law, a nondisclosure contract must be reasonable and necessary for protecting a legitimate business interest. Mandatory disclosure requires each party in a family matter to provide the other party with certain financial information and documents. Any additional or subsequently-recorded documents will require a new Request for Confidentiality form. Procedure Form 12.900(a), before he or she helps you.