This Agreement is dated. TWM Legal has the knowledge and skill necessary to effectively protect you and your business from improper use of confidential information you disclose.California courts have long ruled that companies can use NDAs to protect certain financial, technical, and businessrelated information. While nondisclosure agreements are generally enforceable in California, their enforceability can be subject to certain limitations and considerations. "Confidential Information" shall mean all confidential, proprietary, and trade secret information, ideas and materials of or about a Party or its affiliates,. The Sacramento County Department of Health Services Consent Agreement must be signed and submitted according to instructions on the form in the. SB 331, which is named the "Silenced No More Act," took effect on Jan. The purpose of a nondisclosure agreement is to safeguard an employer's trade secrets. A nondisclosure agreement is a legally binding confidentiality agreement. Confidentiality obligations can be incorporated into commercial contracts or entered on a stand-alone basis.