While nondisclosure agreements are generally enforceable in California, their enforceability can be subject to certain limitations and considerations. In California today, NDAs still carry validity and soundness in court so long as they are executed precisely, legally, and firmly.California courts have long ruled that companies can use NDAs to protect certain financial, technical, and businessrelated information. An NDA is a legal document that protects your business information and trade secrets from vendors, employees, and third parties. The following three questions address what is allowed and what is not allowed in employment agreements under Government Code section 12964.5. 1. Nondisclosure agreements are only as effective as they are enforceable. It usually isn't a crime, although if you signed an NDA with the intention of violating it, that can be fraud. The trusted lawyers at Bridgford Law can answer your concerns and questions about Non-Disclosure Agreements and how they can affect you. NDAs, or non-disclosure agreements, are legally enforceable contracts that create a confidential relationship between a person who has sensitive information. What is the information being disclosed?