Mail or place completed forms in the court dropbox located at the Family Court at 3341 Power Inn Road, Sacramento, CA 95826. TWM Legal has the knowledge and skill necessary to effectively protect you and your business from improper use of confidential information you disclose.It's highly unusual though not illegal to use NDAs in the legislative process. A mandatory part of completing any Sacramento divorce is preparing the Preliminary Declaration of Disclosure (PDD). A bill that would ban lobbyists from using nondisclosure agreements to secretly negotiate legislation is stirring up trouble in Sacramento. Civil Code §§ 1102.3, 1102.6. 44 For example, requests for commonly disclosed records that are held in a manner that allows for prompt disclosure should not be withheld because of the. TPP NDA format and signature: • The TPP NDA date space at the top of page 1 must be left blank. The ISO will fill in the date upon.