This article provides general information about nondisclosure orders in Texas, including the different types. It lists the nondisclosure order statutes.A petition for non-disclosure is the other option and applies to individuals who completed deferred adjudication and had the case dismissed. 6. Sixth, you must not have been convicted of (or placed on deferred adjudication for) any criminal offenses during a special time period. "Deferred Adjudication" dismissals do not qualify for expunction in Texas. Our non-disclosure lawyers in San Antonio can help you seal your record so you do not suffer undeserved consequences for the rest of your life. Orders of Non-Disclosure (Sealing Your Record). If you were arrested and placed on deferred adjudication, you may eligible to have your record sealed. In Texas, non-disclosure orders are typically available for individuals who successfully completed deferred adjudication probation and meet specific criteria. A successfully completed deferred adjudication often can be sealed from public view with a non-disclosure.