In California today, NDAs still carry validity and soundness in court so long as they are executed precisely, legally, and firmly. Call us today at 9495284220, or take a moment to fill out an online contact form for a prompt response.California courts have long ruled that companies can use NDAs to protect certain financial, technical, and businessrelated information. County of San Bernardino v. While nondisclosure agreements are generally enforceable in California, their enforceability can be subject to certain limitations and considerations. Yes, you can ask your former employer to furnish the document (that you signed) to you. You can request a copy of your employee file to be sent to you. TYPE OF ISSUES(S): (Check all that apply). Dissolution. Nullity. Legal Separation. Paternity. Visitation. County and DPH facilities shall comply with federal and state health and safety laws, regulations and rules.