Consumers may be asked to sign nondisclosure or confidentiality agreements in exchange for refunds. For an NDA to be enforceable in California, it must not be too generic or too openended (no time limit established), or the courts will likely throw it out.On this page below is a list of LOCAL forms that can be completed online and then printed. The form you need may be in this list. In California today, NDAs still carry validity and soundness in court so long as they are executed precisely, legally, and firmly. Time Limitations often range from three years from the date of disclosure to five years from the termination or expiration of the NDA. If a person has concerns about the trustworthiness of the employer or contractor, they may be reluctant to sign an NDA. This Code of Professionalism is adopted to apply to all lawyers who practice in Santa Clara County. As lawyers, we owe duties of professionalism to our clients. Some home sellers choose to get an inspection before making their disclosure statement, but the law requires "known" issues to be disclosed.