If you need help drafting or reviewing a Texas nondisclosure agreement, contact Massingill to speak with an experienced NDA lawyer. On the next page you will find a petition form.Following the form, you will find detailed instructions on completing the form. To get a nondisclosure order, you must file your petition or application with the clerk of the court that handled your case. Texas courts do not allow a nondisclosure agreement to restrict a former employee from using general knowledge in their new employment. What is an Order of Nondisclosure? It is imperative to have a competent Business Attorney in your corner who has seen many of these NDAs and knows what he or she is looking at. Disclosure agreement is a contract and you can be sued for breaching your contractual obligation to remain silent. Our criminal defense lawyers are trained and experienced in evaluating your record and helping you find out if your record can be expunged or non-disclosed. Yes, but a better question is does someone who has signed an NDA owe you any money.