Wondering how to present feedback to your boss? 360degree feedback (sometimes called 360 feedback) is feedback given to an employee from multiple sources as a form of performance management.What are some examples of constructive criticism phrases I can use for a 360 degree performance review (where I am reviewing my boss)?. A 360-degree feedback survey is aimed at gathering anonymous feedback about an employee from the people working most closely with them. The annual appraisal is designed to serve as a tool that helps supervisors increase productivity, communicate expectations, establish goals for the coming year. 360 feedback can be used as part of either an ongoing employee development program that could help people understand their strengths their weaknesses. 360-degree feedback, is a way for managers to get a fuller picture of someone's strengths and weaknesses. Which Course Should I Take? Find out which Texas Food Handlers course or package is best for you. Information security analysts plan and carry out security measures to protect an organization's computer networks and systems.