Learn how to perform and benefit from a 360-degree feedback process to transform your organization with effective performance and appraisal processes. 360 feedback is a method of collecting and comparing feedback from multiple stakeholders like managers peers direct reports and even clients.360degree feedback (sometimes called 360 feedback) is feedback given to an employee from multiple sources as a form of performance management. Check your email, view the Employee News, manage your network account, log into VPN, access tech resources, request a substitute, and more. 360 feedback isn't your typical performance review. During a 360-degree review, a team member can expect to receive feedback from all angles. PowerDMS is the only software platform designed to recruit, train, equip, and protect employees across the public safety and healthcare sectors. If your request is related to a road hazard that needs immediate attention, please call 1-800-367-7623 (FOR-ROAD). For emergencies, please dial 911. Careers in the UK. Want to know more?