360 reviews can be very effective in improving leadership cultures if they are conceptualized, implemented and used in the right manner. Your TOTAL SCORE appears on the scale above as both a raw score (for example, 130) and within a percentile (for example, 85).Looking for a list of 360 feedback questions for performance reviews? We're sharing a downloadable template featuring 360 review questions for employee surveys. Each year Franklin Covey processes more than 50,000 360°. Profiles for individuals in small and large organizations worldwide. 360degree feedback (sometimes called 360 feedback) is feedback given to an employee from multiple sources as a form of performance management. 360 Degree Profile - Free ebook download as PDF File (. Wondering how to present feedback to your boss? 360 review feedback forms should be kept relatively short and simple, as employees will likely be asked to fill out several with each cycle.