Wondering how to present feedback to your boss? We have curated a list of 360 degree feedback examples for managers that can be used throughout the year on your 360 evaluation form.A 360-degree review is a great way to get feedback from all angles on an employee's performance. Download and use our free template today! 360 feedback, also referred to as "multirater," or simply "360," is one way to gather information to assess an employee's performance on the job. In this article, we evaluate steps to give 360degree feedback to your manager and provide examples for guidance. When giving 360degree feedback, it's good to lead with a positive appraisal of your manager's performance. Categorize your feedback into a few buckets. You can provide feedback about your manager as part of the performance review process. With that in mind, we wanted to share our favourite examples of employee to manager feedback, sometimes known as upward feedback in a 360 performance review.