If you are looking for a career change, the State of Minnesota offers a number of jobs in a wide array of fields. 360 evaluations are one method of collecting feedback from multiple stakeholders then sharing that feedback with the employee being reviewed.360degree feedback (sometimes called 360 feedback) is feedback given to an employee from multiple sources as a form of performance management. PI Perform's 360 feedback software makes it easy to gather data crucial to employees' development. We do 360 evals, so the GM would have collected feedback from our entire team and her peers. 360 feedback is a method of collecting and comparing feedback from multiple stakeholders like managers peers direct reports and even clients. 360 feedback questions are useful as part of creating a 360 degree feedback tool. What questions do you ask and why? Find information for Hennepin Healthcare employees, including access to employee self service, My Learning Center and ServiceNow. This section provides instructions for completing the online evaluation.