360 evaluations are one method of collecting feedback from multiple stakeholders then sharing that feedback with the employee being reviewed. Learn how to perform and benefit from a 360-degree feedback process to transform your organization with effective performance and appraisal processes.The 360 review paints a comprehensive picture of your employee's performance and potential, which fosters a thriving workforce for everyone. 360-degree Rating: This method allows employees to receive confidential and anonymous feedback from various sources they interact with regularly. A 360 performance review measures employee performance typically using feedback from six to 12 people. It also includes an employee self-evaluation. PI Perform's 360 feedback software makes it easy to gather data crucial to employees' development. Collect candid, anonymous 360 feedback. 360 degree appraisal offers a comprehensive and balanced approach to employee performance evaluation, promoting personal and professional growth. 360degree feedback is a performance review method in which managers, peers, team members, and clients evaluate an employee's overall performance.