A 360-degree feedback survey is aimed at gathering anonymous feedback about an employee from the people working most closely with them. Quick and straight to the point, Phil in the Blanks will help you connect the dots and fill in the blanks regarding Maricopa County Elections questions.360degree employee feedback incorporates commentary from peers, managers, and direct reports. Example 360 Feedback Survey questionnaire form. This form demonstrates how different items can measure competencies related to job performance. Download top 360-degree feedback survey questions designed to gather employee work feedback from all directions: up, down, peer and self. Here are some examples of good questions for your 360-degree leadership feedback survey: Communication skills, Decision-making, Teamwork and collaboration. Operational Visibility. Get a 360-degree view of operations, transparent financial reporting, and streamlined communications on demand. ▫ Anonymous Sexual Assault Report Form: If a student does not wish to pursue any of the options listed above, they may fill out this form to give anonymous.