The University of Maryland School of Medicine, Primary Care Education Initiative is piloting a 360-degree assessment system for residents and students. The 360-degree assessment process can address complex physician issues and enable each physician to receive feedback on their hard-to-measure professionalism.The document proposes designing a 360 degree feedback system for evaluating doctors' performance at KMC hospital. This 360 Review Feedback Form gathers feedback from multiple perspectives on an individual's performance. A 360-degree feedback survey is aimed at gathering anonymous feedback about an employee from the people working most closely with them. Office of Child Care. Your doctor or health care provider will ask you to fill out a questionnaire, called a "Health Risk Assessment," as part of this visit. Supervisors were encouraged to scan and fill out the form together with learners as soon as the trauma assessment was complete and the patient was stabilized. Then embed forms smoothly onto web and email. Experience. Make forms feel effortless to fill out.