This page will provide all the guidance and resources you need for a successful Performance Evaluation process. Professor Maxim Stych details the 360-degree method of giving feedback to team members.This video is part of our Managing Talent MOOC. The 360-degree assessment process can address complex physician issues and enable each physician to receive feedback on their hard-to-measure professionalism. 360degree feedback (sometimes called 360 feedback) is feedback given to an employee from multiple sources as a form of performance management. Leverage these top 360 degree feedback tools for your next review to navigate performance evaluation season with ease. 360 evaluations are one method of collecting feedback from multiple stakeholders then sharing that feedback with the employee being reviewed. A 360-degree feedback survey is aimed at gathering anonymous feedback about an employee from the people working most closely with them. Step 1: Define the purpose and scope ; 2. 360 degree feedback can help you to develop your people to achieve their potential.