The best leaders, managers, and employees make the most of their strengths and work to improve upon their shortcomings. Anyone use 360 performance reviews?Up until now, we have not. A 360° performance review is an opportunity for an employee to reflect on their own performance and get feedback from managers, peers, and other collaborators. 360 feedback questions are useful as part of creating a 360 degree feedback tool, used during employee review periods to promote employee development. The literary research indicated 360feedback could fill in the blind spots in performance appraisal (Herr, 1998, p. 360 feedback, also referred to as "multirater," or simply "360," is one way to gather information to assess an employee's performance on the job. What is a 360 evaluation? 360degree feedback is a powerful tool for leadership development, as it allows you to receive constructive and balanced input from multiple sources. Explore how 360-degree feedback surveys can foster team development and growth.