7 steps for designing an effective 360 degree feedback review program. Develop employees at every level and power growth and innovation with Qualtrics 360-degree feedback tool.✓ Request a free demo today! SLCC360 is an annual college-wide event where we come together to learn and connect. This year's theme is Cross-College Collaboration and the Future of SLCC. A 360 degree feedback assessment is a tool to detect strengths and weaknesses to build management and leadership skills based on the report. I think they might be useful, especially for managers to have on record how their subordinates view them- for good or bad. Below you will find a list of projects that are currently collecting feedback and a list of reports from recently closed surveys. Any location in the middle of the state is going to limit options outside of lakes. I was fired as a result of a 360 review that I think went down terribly.