A 360 evaluation, Sevy said, might involve "you, your boss, three to five peers and three to five direct reports. 360 evaluations are one method of collecting feedback from multiple stakeholders then sharing that feedback with the employee being reviewed.A 360 performance review measures employee performance typically using feedback from six to 12 people. It also includes an employee self-evaluation. A 360 assessment is a survey tool asking people from a person's professional ecosystem to assess that individual on specific capabilities or competencies. 360 degree feedback can help you to develop your people to achieve their potential. ✓ Find out how to get started with your 360 program today. Below we identify the key steps in any 360 degree feedback process and give you an idea of how long each step might take within your organization. Located in downtown San Antonio, the 750-foot-tall Tower of the Americas provides guests the most spectacular view of the Alamo City. Once the mid-year check in is complete, managers must open the evaluation in preparation for the self-evaluation and manager evaluation phases of the process.