A 360-degree feedback survey is aimed at gathering anonymous feedback about an employee from the people working most closely with them. 360 feedback questions are useful as part of creating a 360 degree feedback tool, used during employee review periods to promote employee development.Use this form to provide feedback about the leadership behaviors which this person demonstrates on a regular basis. Example 360 Feedback Survey questionnaire form. This form demonstrates how different items can measure competencies related to job performance. Gain a 360 degree view for yourself and your employees. Our expert-made questions can help you right away. A 360 feedback survey, also called a 360 survey or a 360 review, is an insight process that collects feedback on employee performance from different sources. A sample form for employees to provide performance feedback about their manager. -- Those people fill out anonymous questionnaires and rate the employee on criteria such as the ability to build consensus or make timely decisions.