A 360 performance review measures employee performance typically using feedback from six to 12 people. It also includes an employee self-evaluation.This section provides instructions for completing the online evaluation. This multiple-input approach to performance feedback is sometimes called "360-degree assessment" to connote that full circle. 360 Degree Feedback is an assessment system or process in which employees receive confidential, anonymous evaluations from the people who work around them. 360 feedback can be used as part of either an ongoing employee development program that could help people understand their strengths their weaknesses. A stepbystep guide to creating a 360 degree feedback process and a timeline on how long each step might take within your organization. Travis Greaves currently serves as a deputy assistant attorney general for appellate and review for the Department of Justice, Tax Division. These documents are essential for aligning with the district's evaluation process and requirements. Forms. Certificated. Convention Center: Javits Center, City: New York, Events: Event Venue, Building: Convention Center, Javits: Home (en)